Datorama Reports

The January 2021 release announced a new way to analyze your data in Marketing Cloud: Datorama Reports.

For more information on these reports, we asked a few questions to Angélique Huet, Lead Marketing Services at CEZIUM.

Find out the answers below. Enjoy your reading!

What is Datorama Reports for Marketing Cloud?

The first point to raise is the fact that Datorama consists of three options:

  • The instance itself, which allows you to connect multiple marketing data streams (Salesforce Marketing Cloud, Sales Cloud, social networks, paid, etc.) and build dashboards ;
  • The reports in Marketing Cloud, which we will see next ;
  • The “advanced” reports, still in Marketing Cloud, a premium option for the reports.

Datorama Reports allow you to generate, visualize and share detailed analysis of the data from your emails, push notifications and your journeys.

To find them on Marketing Cloud, hover over the Analytics Builder tab and click on Datorama Reports in the drop-down menu.

What does this feature do?

Datorama Reports allow you to analyze your data and get intuitive analysis in pre-built dashboards to view your email and journeys data. You can easily track metrics such as deliverability, open rates and click-through rates. You can also filter, group or sort your data in Pivot Tables.

These reports allow you to make comparisons and highlight trends within your data while organizing and summarizing it in custom reports.

Finally, all the reports you create can be shared with others through Schedule Reports.

What does using Datorama Reports bring in Marketing Cloud?

The important thing to note is that Discover reports will be withdrawn on April 1, 2022 and replaced by Datorama Reports for Marketing Cloud.

In addition, where Discover was static in its use, Datorama Reports allow you to push the analysis further by highlighting deeper insights.


What is the difference between the Reports and the Advanced Reports in SFMC?

Datorama Advanced Reports are a premium upgrade of Datorama Reports. They offer additional functionalities (e.g., queries) as well as additional analysis areas.

The upgraded Advanced Reports version is available at an additional cost.


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